CANTORAS by Carolina De Robertis - Cinnamon Mag "Well-Read: September 2019"


Cantoras begins in 1977 in Uruguay, when five queer female friends begin a vacation away at an isolated little cape called Cabo Polonio, where they feel free to live authentically (i.e. romance and fuck other women and each other) despite a government regime that considers homosexuality a punishable offense. The novel covers thirty-five years of trips to Cabo Polonio, which allows De Robertis to show off her mastery with the expansion and compression of time, allowing certain moments to stretch out languidly and then with equal skill, skipping over years in a word or two.”

Cantoras by Carolina De Robertis was included in Cinnamon Mag’s must-read list for September 2019. Follow the link above to view the entire list!

Victoria Sanders